First off, Thanks to Bartcop who linked to the strip today! I’ve been a been fan for a long time (and have a link to his site in the blogroll), and while I may not agree with him on every issue, it’s good to see a fighting liberal with a sense of humor!
Second off, for those of you seeing the site from there, welcome! This here internet comic strip is set at the lowest rated Cable News company, and has been making fun of cable news, political events, and pop culture for a couple of months now, and is published twice a week. It’s drawn by Dangerous Dan Mohr, who also draws the critically acclaimed Everyday Gods webstrip. We alternate between longer story arcs and current event strips, and since we’re currently between story arcs…that’s right, these are the current event strips.
So, please feel free to bookmark the site or add it to your RSS feed, let us know what you think and if you like a strip SO MUCH you want to buy the original art, contact Dan and let him know!
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